Aug 11, 2011 14:29
1) I got my phone back, yay! But they wiped my numbers, noo! At least it was free. I was worried that it was something I had done to it, in which case I would have had to pay for it. I 'fixed' the phone. Default from verizon it comes with bing as the integrated search for everything from web pages to files on the phone. Why a google OS comes with bing I have no idea, but I had ah, remedied the situation. Unfortunately not too long after that, it died. Screen wouldn't turn on. The repair notice said bad component, so I guess it wasn't me. Don't know if I'll try to fix it again or leave it with bing for now. So if you're reading this and I had your phone number, I now do not. (but I wouldn't mind having it again!)
2) I went to the store to buy random food items. I also got a soda. When I got home I noticed something weird about it. It's BIG! I checked the label and yes, in fact it is a 1.25 liter bottle, where they were always 1 liter bottles before. I thought we got over this make everything bigger phase in the 2000's, I guess not.
3) Oh also, my wacom tablet came in yesterday. Muahahaha. Its a bit harder to use than I expected. Still messing around with it and drying to figure out good practices. It's just the smaller 'bamboo' one. Was on sale and I used some amazon gift cards I had got for my birthday, only cost me $40!
new toys,