OMG This Entry Is About Episode 3!

Jun 04, 2005 22:30

I'm sure no one's tired of THESE yet.

Anyhow. Spoilers, obviously.

My thoughts:

Okay plot. I mean, Lucas managed to cover a fair amount of ground without making it impossible to tell what happened inbetween the movies without watching the Clone Wars cartoon/reading the comics/whatever. Not that you SHOULDN'T, mind--they're way better than any of the new movies. And there were parts that were really pretty right-on. The deaths of the Jedi, for example, were done REALLY well, pulling me in for a short time and really getting me emotionally involved and all. Of course, in retrospect, it seems ridiculous to me that a ton of Jedi MASTERS are going to be eliminated by a few over-glorified Stormtroopers with guns--I mean, for God's sake, I know they're not immortal and I appreciate that they're given limitations, but for God's sake, what the HELL.

Acting was better than expected. In fact, aside from Padme, who was vomit-inducingly bad as ever, the acting was pretty good, in my opinion. Overdone in parts, sure, like Palpatine in general. But I was pleasantly surprised by Obi-Wan actually being done well this time and not just being a stiff, wooden block placed in the cast like the last two. Anakin was also better than his last two movies' incarnations. This doesn't mean he was good, of course, just better. I take what I can get.

What else. Well, action and visuals were okay. I have to disagree with Gust about disliking the randomness of fighting in the Senate room--even in the originals, Jedi battles tended to range all over the place. Hell, I think there were more places in Cloud City that Vader and Luke dueled than there weren't. Was somewhat disappointed by Yoda and Palpatine overall, though. Granted, I greatly appreciate that it was vindicated for me that my belief that Yoda is more powerful than Palpatine is well-founded, but it just seemed...I dunno. Anti-climactic. I'm not exactly sure why Yoda just up and left while Palpatine dangled from a ledge. You trying to tell me he couldn't leap up and finish the job, or lift something and smash the emperor? I mean, he just walked out. Fucking lame.

Aside from the fact that Lucas continues to mistakenly believe his romance-writing skills are not comparable to a retarded monkey undergoing electroshock therapy, and naturally that Lucas not only decided to fuck with the many efforts of GOOD writers like Timothy Zahn and the rest of the published Star Wars Fanfiction authors, but also with his OWN previous works, my main annoyances with the movie were actually quite odd:

1. The opening paragraph. Jesus Skywalker, it sounded like something I would have written at 8 years old.
2. Name-dropping. Like, okay, working Senator Organa into the plot? Fine. Acceptable. Do you REALLY need to drop a name a minute for no reason whatever? Why even point out Chewbacca and an Antilles if you're not going to bother having them on for even a total of 30 seconds? I already understood that the two trilogies were meant to be connected somehow; the titles gave me enough of a clue, thanks! Instead of focusing on how exactly to introduce someone for 10 seconds who will be important later, how about focusing on making this trilogy have a hope of fitting the other trilogy's continuity?
3. The Death Star is already well under construction several decades before being completed in A New Hope. Then just a few years after that, the second one is practically finished. No excuses, Lucas. That's just fucking retarded.

So, overall, the list of my enjoyment with Episode 3 goes in this order, from most to least enjoyable:

This Trailer:
VG Cats' Comic
Gust's LJ Comments
Star Wars: Episode 3
The Actual Trailers

And after all this ranting, I STILL must admit I fairly well enjoyed it overall, and that it was by far superior to the last two. Still doesn't even come close to being a decent Star Wars, though.

Oh yeah, one other thing: I want that lizard thing that Obi-Wan rides.
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