Oct 18, 2011 20:34
It's been a year and a half since I moved into this apartment. It's been a wonderful, trying, topsy-turvy year and a half. Through it all this place has been my sanctuary. During the day the sun pours through the windows (which you have to wind open with little cranks underneath), through the curtains I obtained from my little sister's room back when it was watermelon-themed. At sunset every day, this achieves the effect of turning my living room rosy-pink and my bedroom limey-green. The floors are hardwood and shine when I mop them. Bottles of colorful glass line the top shelves in my little kitchen; African violets and a philodendron thrive on the sunlight from the window right over the sink. Bouquets of dried roses hang on the wall.
Looking out the windows, I saw a snow-covered castle courtyard in the winter, sprouting purple thistle as tall as the second story in spring, droves of piping wild turkeys in the summer (my mother says they're good luck), and nowadays, fresh blue skies and bright clouds and the gorgeous palette of autumn. I've heard the pops of hisses of the radiators coming to life once or twice this month. I sit typing this on my blue loveseat with my nice things around me in twos: my two scarlet pillows, my two little end tables with my two little matching scarlet lamps, my two black kitties stretched out in sleepy sweetness. Books on the shelf. Rain on the window.
It has been nothing short of wonderful to be here through a year and a half of growing pains, hard work, frequent mistakes and an abundance of love and learning. At the end of this month, though, I am moving on. My new home base will be in the house of the two men I love the most (do all of my favorite things come in twos?). I have forged myself rather a unique little family, and am moving downtown to be in their midst.
It'll be okay. They have cranks on their windows, too.
Wish me luck.