The skirt I am wearing today is a lovely one that I bought in a sale years back, several sizes too big, and adjusted with elastic to make it fit. The problem with elastic is that it can give way without warning. Sometimes when you are walking to work. Ha! I've been styling it like a teenage boy all day, and all I can say is, thank goodness for
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And this is my 'My goodness isn't it a hot summer?' icon. I am very fond of it. :)
Also congratulations on the the new job! I'm guessing it's something admin-y, unless you're busy creating a new and better internet?
Must go to bed now (so sleepy) but tomorrow is last day at work before I go on holiday, so tomorrow I can stay up late! \o/
As always, it's lovely to see you. ♥
Yes, I am doing something admin-y, as part of a team involved in educational innovation, which is lovely, even if I am mostly just observing the exciting things at this point. Professor Sir Tim has not required my input yet. ;)
I've been doing lots of walking lately, and am looking forward to something pretty (there are only so many times you can walk past Asda) to look at while I catch my breath/stagger/crawl onwards. I think I am passing the famous RH:PoT tree.
Have a lovely break!
I hope you have a wonderful time and will wave as I go by!
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