Once upon a time I wrote a wee
bit of fic in which Spike was among the crew of the first moon landing. Imagine my surprise when one night on holiday I turned on the TV to discover someone had kindly
filmed it for me. Hee! My only complaint is that they showed it in the dead of night, and when JM started worrying that, "I don't look as good on camera as the rest of you guys," and Neil Armstrong reassured him that, "They could probably do something with the lighting," (Seriously! I think that line was in my fic) I had to give up all hope of remaining focused, and chuckled myself to sleep instead. "The camera hates me" isn't high on the list of things I'd ever expected JM to be given to say. ;)
So the week before last I spent in the Lake District. A week is just long enough to never want to leave, and not nearly long enough to visit all the pretty, pretty places. When I've had time to sort out my photos properly I will come back and tell you all about it, but in the mean time, here's just a peek:
Earlier this week I was puppy-sitting in a world of Other TV Channels, and finally saw an episode of
Dollhouse. Most of my first viewing was spent retrieving cushions and coaxing the puppy out of the sand-pit, but fortunately it reappeared on one of those +1 channels, and so second time round I could kind of half follow it. (I discovered afterwards it was the season finale, which is probably not the best place to begin!) I am sort of torn. I was intrigued enough to want to know more, and especially to put characters into scenes with each other in new combinations, which is a very Jossversian thing, I think; character dynamics are often where most of the story sits. And Tahmoh Penikett is very high on my list of people never likely to need to tell us that the camera hates them. But I can't help feeling there's a story within the story, and it's a little disorientating. Because this is Joss taking out his favourite dolls, dressing them up in his favourite outfits and playing his favourite games with them. So we take Amy Acker out of the box, we put on her white coat, we briefly dress her up in bondage gear because you'd never see that coming, we give her a big heart and a sweet past and we torture her a bit and make her into something new, something broken but somehow stronger than before...and that's just for starters. Think of all the things you can do with an Eliza doll! Did anyone say body swap? Anyway, I reserve judgement, because one puppy-interrupted episode is not really evidence of anything. But it's no Firefly, and whole armies of hounds couldn't sway me from that one.
In other news, Geocities may be closing in October, but when I looked it had gobbled up half my sites already. It was the perfect excuse to update properly, and although I am not quite done I am getting there. I love html formatting. It's oddly therapeutic. Anyway, it's all
here, and while it is not exactly a work of genius it makes me happy.