[Day Change] Friday, January 23rd, 2???

Apr 05, 2011 07:31

"Where there's a will there's a way - and never say a few charges of dynamite don't help 'help' things along." - Second Commander Maria Walch

The Weather
6°C (42°F); The cold returns for Friday, how bloody nice for the start of the weekend, eh? The sleeting rain slackens off until the afternoon, where it picks up again with brief suggestions of snow which, considering the temperature is too warm, doesn't stick.

The Rotting
A reprieve. Such pauses are almost as bad as the constant attacks. The members of the wall-watchers wait all night long, expecting attack, wondering from which way it will come - but the attempt never manifests itself.

Events in New Ashford
Burger Night at the Old Gray! Tired of no meat in your diet? Feel free to indulge in one hamburger, safe and non stomach-devouring, courtesy of the magic-users and priest of New Ashford. Served with a pint of beer, it truly goes down well.

+day change

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