(no subject)

Apr 24, 2006 16:41

a - available: kinda
a - age: 15
a - annoyance: arogance, hate, little aggrevating things/people

b - best friend: kelly
b - bar: puh
b - birthday: july 12

c - crush: scott holleeyyyy
c - car: want a prelude right now
c - cat: MIA! MY BABY!

d - dead pets name: miles
d - dads name: erik
d - dog: dont have one.

e - easiest person to talk to: kelly
e - eggs: sunny side up!
e - e-mail: yahoo

f - favorite color: most of them..dont like most pinks.
f - food: italian anddddd umm chillis? lol mexican!
f - foreign slang: ZUT ZUT ET ZUT!

g - gummy bears or worms: worms..sour ones too
g - grapes: yummm
g - good times: girls nights. WE GOIN TO STATEE!

h - hair color: blondey
h - height: 5'4ish
h - happy: for the most part.

i - ice cream: mint chocolate chip..or strawberry
i - instrument: i can play clarinet/piano. wish i knew the guitar
i - idol: Jenn Aniston maybe

j - jewelry: love it. got alot of it.
j - job: need one!
j - jokes: fklajsdflkajsdflkajsdflsad

k - kids: cute and aggrevating as shit.
k - karate: woudld be cool to know.
k - kung fu: even cooler.

l - longest car ride: ummm prolly florida or something.
l - longest relationship: parker ugh- 13 months..liked/loved scott sense 8th grade
m - milk flavor: soy
m - mothers maiden name: mopper
m - movie last watched: pretty woman..ohh and stepmom..tbs

n - number of siblings: 1
n - northern or southern: southern.
n - name: that i liek? emery right now.

o - one wish: never grow old..or never let it get to me.
o - one phobia: only one? wow. uh chalk.
o - otter pop: quoi?

p - parents, are they married or divorced: divorced.
p - part of your appearance you like best: right eyelashes
p - part of your personality you like best: happy-go-lucky eternal optimist.

q - quick or slow: slow
q - quality dairy store: lactose intolerant yo!
q - question your decisions often: not really.

r - reason to smile: friends..fun..scott
r - reality tv show: real world..laguna..all that stuff=\
r - right or left: left.

s - song last heard: "swith" by Will Smith oh my myspace.
s - season: spring/fall.
s - sex: feels nice.

t - time you woke up: 6:15
t - time now: 4:55
t - time for bed: laaate.

u - unknown fact about me:
u - unicorns: are pretty
u - u are: cold

v - vegetable you hate: onion
v - vegetable you love: most of em
v - view on politics: liberal. pro-choice. PRO LOVE YO! clinton lover.

w - worst habit: OCD..veryyyyyyy OCD.
w - where are you going to travel next: not sure.
w - where you live: louiiisiannaaa

x - x-rays: handy
x - x-rated: oh baby
x - x-bf/gfs: no comment

y - year you were born: 1990
y - year it is now: 2006
y - yellow: sunshine

z - zoo animal: tigers
z - zodiac: horse
z - zoolander: hello..helllloooooo *MER-MANNN! coughcough*
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