Feb 26, 2009 22:26
After she woke up from her nap she told Zak and I that she had a "weird dream." When asked about it she said the grumpy old troll (from Dora the Explorer) was singing his song ("I'm the grumpy old troll who lives under the briiiiiiidge") and she was in a boat with a dolphin and they were both crying. Hot damn. That IS a weird dream, Mae!
Later she was throwing alphabet magnets off the fridge and when Zak asked her what she was doing she said, "I'm just a silly dude." ... Um, I swear, we don't talk like that. We have NO idea where she got that.
And today she played her first "physical prank" on Zak. Zak was lining up small blocks like dominoes to show Mae that she could push over one block and they'd all tumble over. Zak showed her how to push them over and then set them back up for her. He said, "okay. Now you push them over!" So she pushed the block the wrong way and started LAUGHING! Zak responded with incredulity and she laughed even harder. They washed, rinsed, and repeated half a dozen times.
As for Coco, well, she's not quite 4 months old. But she grabbed her own foot on purpose today! That was new! And she laughs and babbles ALL.THE.TIME! She has a naturally sweet nature and is so much fun. I can get her to laugh so easily it's ridiculous.