We mustn't dwell... no, not today. We CAN'T. Not on MICHAEL CASSIDY day.

Jun 08, 2008 23:40

Okay. So the both one acts were absolutely amazing. I was honestly preoccupied during the first, but it was very good. But honestly, all I care about is Cassidy and I'm sure you guys only care about that, too. So I'll skip right ahead ( Read more... )

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cheekymice June 9 2008, 09:13:59 UTC
Oh Manda!

I'm wetting myself on your behalf!!!!!!

How fabulous.


Did you manage to get a hair...remember cloning! :)


the_rocklobster June 9 2008, 09:16:03 UTC
Alas! I had to draw the line at walking away with his DNA! ;__:

BUT YES! IT WAS SO FABULOUS! :D Even though I'm a little embarrassed to have been so... fan-girly XD


cheekymice June 9 2008, 09:21:53 UTC
Ah, I bet you made his day babe. Hee


the_rocklobster June 9 2008, 09:30:02 UTC
That's what my friend Ari said. I hope so! :x


cheekymice June 9 2008, 09:34:44 UTC
I think he'll be sat with his mates laughing about the oh so cute and funny fan he's just met.


the_rocklobster June 9 2008, 09:38:23 UTC
SHUCKS. :* Thank you, sweetie! Ahaha, I was so nervous. And starstruck. This was me the entire time:


Stars i my eyes! ^__^


cheekymice June 9 2008, 10:06:12 UTC

We were the same when we met Chris Carmack. :)


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