FF100: (Enemies)

Oct 08, 2006 23:11

Title: Asshat.
Fandom: The OC
Characters: Zach/Anna
Prompt: Enemies
Word Count: 244
Rating: Light R
Summary: Anna hates just about everything about Zach Stevens, actually.
Author's Notes: Written for hebrew_hernia, from the prompt "asshat".

Zach Stevens is a smug fucking bastard.

She hates him, passionately, and the only thing she has to compare the intensity to is the way she felt about Seth. She hates his stupid floppy hair, and she hates the way his teeth advertise how much money his parents must've spent on braces.

She hates his inability to wear less than two layers of shirts, and she absolutely loathes that little fucking smirk he has when he gets his way. He's a player, a liar and a cheat and he's not as fucking nice as everyone else seems to think he is.

Anna pushes herself back from the chair in staffroom at Wildstorm, throwing him a disgusted look. "Asshat!" She hisses, turning around to stalk toward the door.

" Dare I ask - what's an 'asshat'?" He calls after her, and she can hear the smirk in his voice, picturing it plastered on his face inside her mind.

Anna turns calmly on her heel, reaching into her purse to toss him her little compact mirror. $0.98 cents at the drugstore; it's worth buying a new one to say the perfect thing at the perfect time.

"Have a look and see." She gives him a smirk of her own, and then saunters out the door, the small triumph doing little to douse the fire.

Later that night, when he's pumping her hard and fast on the hood of her car, she'll probably decide to let it slide.



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