it's all about ME!ME!

Oct 06, 2006 21:53

You can choose up to two (2) ships (ours or someone else's) from any game we've been in. Or a ship I would know from a tv show and or book. I reserve the right to make you pick something else ;D ( Read more... )

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Comments 32

retronami October 7 2006, 05:00:09 UTC
Waite/June - appendix

Harry/Colin - genderfuck


the_rocklobster October 7 2006, 05:06:25 UTC
nngh. genderfuck!


the_rocklobster October 7 2006, 05:26:33 UTC
Nurse Matt had seen a lot in his day. Izzy Hogan breaking JJ Hart’s nose. Tim Halstead losing a testicle at the hands (pointed toe heels) of Olivia Henry. Petra Kingston getting bacon grease in the eye during a food fight with Keely Matthews. There was even that particularly disgusting incident involving Dave Cushman and the eating contest of ’04.

But this… this was something that he suspected would stay with him the rest of his life. He handed June a tissue, clasping his hands in front of him. “Okay, I understand you think the doctors at the hospital are doing it wrong, but tell me why again,” he said, exhaling. “One more time.”

June hiccupped, dabbing her eyes gently. “Last week, Waite was studying for midterms. And Dave told me he was eating up his book on bilateral equators. And now!” She burst into tears again, hardly able to contain herself. “He has to have his appendix removed! They’re not even taking the whole book out!”

Oh, yes. This was definitely one he’d be passing around the teacher’s lounge.


illama October 7 2006, 05:33:18 UTC
Bwahahah. ♥!


offbeatentrack October 7 2006, 05:00:31 UTC
Jimmy and Johnny



the_rocklobster October 7 2006, 05:58:13 UTC
She had considered making out a list, planning and plotting and tweaking to perfection. But it occurred to Rissy, after weeks of attempting to do just that, that to scheme would be to sully, and in the end, she decided to let it happen when it would, however and whenever the moment felt right ( ... )


illama October 7 2006, 05:31:56 UTC
I feel like going old school.

Harley/Taylor: Anesthesia.
Alek/Keely: Chevrolet.


the_rocklobster October 7 2006, 05:32:31 UTC


illama October 7 2006, 05:33:56 UTC
Dude, I just did. It was awesome. I miss June! ♥


the_rocklobster October 7 2006, 05:35:15 UTC
I miss her, too! ;-;! *sniffle*


sariandra October 7 2006, 05:52:21 UTC
Andy/Atticus - mosaic
Brody/Tania - ghosts


the_rocklobster October 7 2006, 05:53:39 UTC
i have the PERFECT idea for trody. mwahaha.


the_rocklobster October 9 2006, 05:45:28 UTC
"Brody, stop being a little bitch and uncover your eyes!"

From behind his hand, he shook his head. "Not until the scene changes."

Tania bit into a funion, munching with mild annoyance. "Brody, it's network fucking TV, how scary could it possibly be?"

"I don't like ghosts! I'm not a horror fan, I couldn't even make it through The Shining."

"Well, the scene's changed anyway."

Sighing with relief, he exhaled, just in time to see the little girl weilding an ax at Sam Winchester.

He shrieked, and Tania laughed with malicious delight.

"You scream like a girl, Travis, anyone ever tell you that?"
"Just you, Tania. Just you." The hand was back over his eyes.
"You love it when I emasculate you."

A long pause.
She leaned in, pecking his cheek before taking a sip of her cherry coke.

"I love you, too."


northumbrian October 7 2006, 06:40:25 UTC
Austin/Atticus - Abercrombie
Abrigail/Izzy - Guardian

My first name is Leslie, don't look at me like that.


the_rocklobster October 7 2006, 06:41:51 UTC
ahaha ok. love you, FARTFACE.


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