Hugging is Good Medicine

Oct 26, 2006 00:33

Freshman year in high school, I received a little piece of paper that I have held onto the reads as follows:

Hugging is Good Medicine:  It transfers energy and gives the person hugged an emotional boost.  A hug makes you feel good.  It is also a form of communication.  It can say things you don't have words for.  The nicest thing about a hug is that you usually can't give one without getting one.

So simple yet so true...

Megan posted a link to a "Free Hugs" campaign from U-Tube.

After watching the video, I just kept thinking about how great hugs are.  They really are good medicine, you know!  :)

I have had a pretty crazy last week and a half or so.  Basically, I have been on so many emotional ups and downs I do not even know which one of me I am sometimes.  I hate that.  I wish we could just be happy all the time.  Alas, that is not reality.  The reality is that we live in a world full of tension until the day Jesus is fully here.  That is the reality of the situation.  Until then, things are going to be up and down.  Suffering is going to happen.  Hearts are going to be torn from time to time.  There are, however, still glimpses of the Jesus' final coming from time to time, and I realized more and more this past week and a half that I really need to focus more of the good in the world and less on the bad.  Yeah, I have known this for some time, but it hit me again this past week and half or so.  I have just had a lot going on with school, church, and personal things that I have been left feeling rather empty at the end of the day (and sometimes during it, too).  Empty and lonely.  Neither of which is a particularly desirable emotional feeling...  The good news is that this weekend should be quite refreshing.  The bad news is that there are still a lot of issues looming over my head that I would like to resolve sooner rather than later.  Plus, I have another exam next Thursday, which will be quite challenging.  The schoolwork will then continue to pile up until Turkey Break.  Plus, I need to find some time to get to the lab and learn how to run the mini-10 and LTQ.  There just is not enough time in the workday to get it all done.  Classes just take up a lot of time.  Anyway...  I would like to thank Emily for the book she got me this weekend.  I like to refer to it as the "shoe book".  It is basically a book written by a women well into her thirties that is still single.  It is not one one of those self help books.  Rather, it is a book of stories.  Each story has something that I can relate to, but none of them are exactly mine, which is to be expected.  Yet, the book gives me a sense of comfort in the whole "it is ok to acknowledge your feminine side" issues I have.  I basically would rather just not acknowledge most of my feminine side more times that not because it just complicates things and confuses me.  Emotions confuse me.  I do not know what to do with them or how to express them most of the time.  I do not even know what I am typing about now.  So, just please be praying for me that I can figure out the stuff that i need to figure out and be ok with being "feminine" about it.  Thanks!

In addition, if you see me in the near future...  Clobber me with a hug.  I cannot remember the last time I had one...  :-/
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