animated cartoons are the BEST!

Dec 27, 2004 20:48

Yes, it's true people: animated cartoons rock! I just finished watching "Anastasia" (by myself) and I still enjoy it. ALthough it's not quite the calibre of Walt Disney, it's still great. And the bit of romance in the story always helps..! I plan on watching more than one cartoon this Christmas holiday. The trick is to either catch my sister/family in the right mood to watch one with me, or to wait until I'm alone and watch it myself. The only downside to watching a great movie by yourself is that no one is there to laugh with you at the cute or funny parts.... ah well...
So my parents are gone to a dinner thingy with their friends. Kelsey was gone to Rob's house for their family dinner, but she's back home now, here with Rob. SOme of her other friends have also come over, and they're trying to decide on what to do: toboganning or bowling. Both sound fun to me, but I'd love to go bowling right now. Not that they'd take me with them...
I originally had an engagement for tonight as well. My high school friend Justine had her birthday today, and emailed a few of us to see if we could go out for dinner to Boston Pizza tonight at 6. But she called earlier to cancel, because she's sick. So maybe another day... Now on Wednesday, after my dentist appointment and Kelsey's hair appointment, we're going to Kingston, her to see her friends, and me to see mine. Well, I'm going to see Lindsay. I'll stay the night and leave sometime the next morning. Sleep overs aren't my particular favourite things to do, but how can I say no without it sounding rude or something like "I don't want to spend more time with you than I have to"? Oh, I'll probably enjoy myself anyway. And I'll get to see Kingston again, although I think I'll be going with my parents next week sometime.
On Thursday mom wants us as a family to go to Sears to get a family portrait done. We haven't had one done in years, and it's about time. It should be fun (in a certain kind of way). Then Friday is New Year's Eve. Kelsey is probably doing something with her friends, but I'll be staying home with my parents. [Oh my goodness, three more of Kelsey's friends just came in the door. They don't even knock anymore, just walk right in. Well, they come here so often...] It'll be so cool this year, to watch the ball drop in Times Square and to know that I was standing there just a little over a week ago!!
Anyhow, I'll find something else to do now to amuse myself. I got another latch-hook rug kit to do, so that should be enough to satisfy me. [HOkie frig, they all don't even fit in the living room... She has a regular little party here now. I wonder if they'll decide on something to do. I hear some of the girls claiming that it is very cold out...] So, tata, cheerio and goodbye.
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