some May long weekend...

May 24, 2004 12:32

Well, rain rain rain rain, and guess what? MOre rain!! Wahoo! (can you sense the sarcasm?) Well, I don't really mind it. But it kind of ruined my first drive-in theatre experience. Boy, I don't really want to re-live that one over again.... I went to see Shrek 2 down in the county, at a drive-in theatre with three of my "old" high school friends. Lets just say that it was cramped, cold, and WET. Half an hour before the movie ended, there was even lightning and thunder! I can't even really remember much of the movie, all I remember is that I loved it, and I want to go see it again, almost as much as I did before I even saw it for the first time. So I'll go see it with my parents this week. I sat for an hour scrunched up in a ball with my head bent down and to the side to try and see the screen. After awhile my eyes had trouble focussing in that position.
Anyway, it was a rather fun weekend, though I'm a bit disappointed in my one friend Andrea. I think we've been planning this friggen thing for over a month, and then she says she can't come because she "has to finish making her prom dress." Which she has lots of time to do... As well, she never called us to let us know what was going on. We tried calling her, but she either gone or....gone. (uh...) She only came down to see the movie with us, and couldn't sleep over that night, for yet another reason that she never told us.
So the weekend is over, and it's back to real, boring life. Back to worrying my guts out about getting a job. IN a way I'm not complaining that I don't have a job - hey, I"m free to do whatever I want. But it's almost June now, and I need money, and I should have a job. I should have had one by now. I'm getting really frustrated. I'm getting desperate as well, which isn't that good.
BUt I've realized what a waste of time worry is. I guess I feel that I have to always be doing something about a problem if I have one, and maybe I feel that worrying is a way for me to always be doing something about the problem. But, of course, it doesn't accomplish anything, nor does it make me feel any better. And here I am, having been worried about getting a job since January, and ever since I got home from university I've been putting myself under stress. And look where I am now: it didn't help me get a job or anything. SO why am I freaking out, worrying? All I can do is get out and apply, and do my best to get the job. In the meantime, I might as well be enjoying myself, right? Instead of worrying and making myself feel sick every time I remember...
ALrighty, now that I've realized all that, the next step is even harder: putting it into practice. Telling me not to worry is almost pointless. ANd I'm not sure how I'm to stop. This week I'll (again) go send out a few applications. Then I'll take it from there. I'll TRY not to worry about it... I'll try, I promise to TRY.
So, no one has posted anything in this journal for at least 4 days. I'm feeling out of the loop, so I thought I better write someting to let others know what I'm up to anyway.
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