The Concert of the Ages

Jan 27, 2006 05:55

Well, I just got in from a REALLY kickass concert. Here's how the evening went:

- I caught the Metro down to the 9:30 Club (took about an hour).
- I waited in line outside in the fucking ass COLD for almost an hour...but well worth it, 'cause I got my balcony standing spot. :D
- I made a friend! (That wasn't supposed to sound so desperate. Considering I attended the concert alone, I wasn't expecting anything.) She came and stood next to me and we hit it off and just had a blast the whole time I was there.

Now for the performances...


I'm not even sure if that's their name or not, but I can't be bothered. In comparison to who they're on tour with, they're a joke.


There are no words to describe what it was like seeing them...but since the point of this entry is using words, I'll just fudge it.


Whatever I expected them to be like live...they exceeded those expectations. As a group, there's just so much to them and yet they're so simple and awesome. I want to marry all of them. Especially the drummer.

Song Line-Up

Of the songs I know, here's what they played: Someone Else's Arms, Painless, The Ocean, Ready and Waiting to Fall, Suspension, The Everglow, and Anything.

The best part (besides them opening with "Someone Else's Arms") was that they made it seem like they were ending with "The Everglow", and then as soon as they said thank you and good night, they went right into "Anything". Best way to end. Ever.


Well I kinda missed them starting 'cause I was too busy trying to meet Mae, but I heard them open with "Lights and Sounds" and then move into "Way Away". They're just...ten kinds of cool. Great band chemistry. It's so cute how well they all get along (or at least appear to) on-stage.

The drummer is INSANE. In the best sense. But he's not really consistently expressive. One minute he's swinging his dreds, next he's stoney-faced. It all fades when you hear him play, though. That alone would warrant many pairs of underwear spontaneously combusting all over the club.

They did a few more songs from "Lights and Sounds", which is shaping up to be a very worthy Sophomore achievment from the YC. And there's always the favorites, including "Empty Apartments", "Life of a Salesman", "Only One" and "Believe".

I could've screamed over not being able to stay through the whole set (and in turn, not being able to hear them end with "Ocean Avenue", my absolute favorite song of theirs...*weeps bitterly*). But it was either take the free ride home with the people I LIVE WITH or fudge it out on public transportation at close to midnight. I chose the former.

All in all, it was a great night. I had a crapload of fun, and I'd do it all again in a heartbeat.

Oh, and Mae? Rocks the casbah.
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