Study Party in Yana's room! Lololol oneonetwo.
Seriously though, its kind of nice to be in a relaxed working environment with other people who are in the same boat and therefore get it.
Three down, one to go.
And so now, onto a slightly more personal note.
My cat Keates was put down on Friday the 8th of December. She was 16 years old. Dad rang me on Thursday evening to see how I was doing after the incident of near expulsion (stupid admin), and after checking up, casually dropped it into the mix that she was to be put down.
The over-riding memory I have of Keates is the first time we clapped eyes on her. Going to my uncles house at age 4 and going up to his cats basket and going 'Topsy's legs have fallen off!' Except of course they hadn't. Three black cats and one tabby, who my father was convinced he was going to take home. As fate would have it, that particular kitten was already promised to someone else. Keates was the runt of the litter and my dads phrase years later is that 'I didn't choose her, she chose us.'
She had the sweetest temperament of any cat ever, and was in possession of vast amounts of patience, particularly when we were young and going through that strange period of petting, stroking and pulling at her. Every child who has a pet has gone through that.
R.I.P Keates. You are sorely missed.
[music| Piano Black- Yoko Kanno]