So, LJ roleplay ate my brain. Like,
a lot. But I'm trying to get back into the swing of things, so here I am. Is anyone still around? What are you up to? Writing? Convention-going? Submitting your work? Let's get this party started again!
As for me, like I said, LJRP ate my brain, but I've completed two new stories, garnered my eighth Honorable Mention at Writers of the Future (along with a slew of other rejections and one acceptance at
Stupefying Stories), and am working on a steampunk werewolf western.
I went to WorldCon in Chicago this year, along with World Horror (since that was right in my back yard in SLC). Next year I will be attending
writing retreat in Chattanooga put on by the good people who bring us
Writing Excuses every Sunday.
So? How about you?