funny day

Jun 02, 2009 21:28

as i sit trying to convince Duni to NOT eat another nice doggy bed that I bought for him (do I stop buying him fluffy beds that I know he likes rolling on and eventually eating OR take up the hobby of beating the ingrateful little bugger?? eh, we all know that i'll just continue to spoil the slobbery cutie pie.)

I'm going through the 25+ resumes I've received over the past few days in response to a craigslist post I put out there.  I desperately need staff for my rapidly growing birthday party program at the Museum.  I've already hired part timers to staff my rentals program, now I just need more people with better availability - willing to deal with a dozen or so screaming kids & do science & technology based activities, with their gorram parents watching.  The birthday parties are the bane of my existence.  I really do hate them.  Ultimately, they don't make the Museum any money, and the preparation and time that goes into them seems endless.  BUT, the birthday kiddos always make me smile.  One came in with his moms to book his party the other day (he's turning 8) and if I could capture forever the look in his eyes when I told him that it was time to pick out his cake for his was precious.  truly.

so here's the challenge with me going through all these resumes:  most of them are completely unqualified or pointless to even look at in relation to what the Museum needs.  HOWEVER I'm such a nice person that I can't help but think "well, the job market is so bad right now, maybe I should just call them anyway?"  Thank goodness for having D here to keep me in touch with reality.  I've whittled my pile down to 10 great reading candidates that I'm going to call, and hopefully then I'll only end up with doing face to face interviews with like 6 of those.  And then I'm looking to hire 3 or 4.

Yes, this is a lot of work for part time employees.  But my hope is that the better I plan and hire now, the fewer instances of me covering all these weekend gigs and then having to apologize to my other/regular clients when I'm not there at their beckon call during weekday business hours.  My predecessor left me with these lackey girls who never wanted to work OR asked me to have clients change their kids birthday parties to meet THEIR schedules.  I'm letting them go, politely, and hiring new folks who are interested in working.

ok, i'm done with the work rant (I seem to have a lot of those, don't I?)

while at the dog park after work I was trying to decide when to celebrate Duni's birthday.  Yes, I know - dog birthday?  wtf, right?  well, I've been giving Emily kitty treats, extra food, or extra pets on the first of April for 16 years now.  I am happy about every year I've gotten to spend with her, so I celebrate!  The same will go for my Duni dawg.

So, here's the dilemna: I don't know exactly how old he is.  When we got him at the end of Oct/early Nov - they said he was 12 weeks old.  Well, we all kinda thought he didn't look that old.  If he was, though, that would put his birth at around the end of July/beginning of August.  If he's younger, that puts it later in August.  I'm thinking of making an executive decision and picking a day - like August 15th.  This of course means that my slobbery mutt is 2 months away from a first birthday.  I still wonder if he's going to get much bigger.  He's been lingering around 50 lbs for a while now, although this week he looks taller to me.

overall, he's still a retard - personality-wise.  when we go to the dog park he'll find a stick or ball or something that he thinks other dogs will like, then he'll run around the park past dogs that he wants to play with to show off his toy - then make them chase him.  it's really funny - especially if nobody is particularly interested.  I should bring my cam and take video one of these days....

meh, anyway....gonna head to bed soon, but thought I'd share my favorite funny of the day:


funnies, work, puppy

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