see....this is what I've been talking about.
Nevermind the value and truth behind his policy. Nevermind the history of McCain's track record in voting with GWB on all the policy that has royally fucked us. Nevermind McCain trying to slyly say to Obama the other night that he isn't running a slanderous campaign...followed by an hour and a half of attempts at slander. lj friend
epilady you put it so very well in your honest commentary about Joe Plumber and how his vote for McCain is against his own best interests.
my biggest fear is that these people will again choose the president of our nation:
Click to view
So much of this nation is still inherently racist. And watching that seriously just made my stomach turn. Everyone thought that McCain brought Palin on to get the Hilary Clinton voters - and you are SO WRONG. McCain brought in Sarah Palin to reel in his religious right voters. He doesn't give a flying monkeys ass about women. If you seriously support McCain, please just do so because you honestly think that he'll actually do good for our country. I think you're delusional or confused, but that's the beauty of our democracy...we can disagree and still be friends. LOL.