I love your costume! Hee. I will poke through my virtual wardrobe to see what I might have. But in the meantime, I am eating orange chocolate cupcakes. YUM. Of course, I will totally share.
There is so much construction going on around my place... I have snuck out and grabbed one of the larger traffic barriers and added a toilet plunger - voila, instant Dalek. Mai has shown up wearing an exenterated (i.e., eviscerated and de-stuffed) rabbit toy around her neck; I believe she thinks it's a stole and therefore charming.
Also, I have brought vampire cookies! Much tastier than moon surface!
I sparkle and shine, all while practicing a menacing "Exterminate". It makes Mai bark like crazy. Hee.
I have made these cookies (there are also pancake and cupcake versions, which I've not tried), and they are delicious and really simple to make. Gooey goodness!
Of course, I will totally share.
Godd to see you up and about. Hope you're well enough to be dancing like your cyberman!
A treat for you and Mai as soon as you change into costume! (You don't *have* to have a pic, you know.)
Also, I have brought vampire cookies! Much tastier than moon surface!
Those are *EASILY* the most awesome cookies ever. Have you made them before?
I lied! Treats to come. (I have to try to do some sewing before bed.)
I have made these cookies (there are also pancake and cupcake versions, which I've not tried), and they are delicious and really simple to make. Gooey goodness!
(Yay for treats in the future :-) )
(Whenever I look out at the traffic barriers, I see Daleks in the making, and it's a bit scary at night. In the best way possible.)
( ... )
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