Classic Cult/Camp Horror for the whole family.
Let's Scare Jessica To Death
This trailer creeps me out more than it should. I remember watching all or most of this as a kid but haven't seen it since.
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"The only thing scarier than the last 12 minutes, are the first 92!"
Never seen this one, or any other Argento films that I know. I love that this looks like it was filmed entirely on soundstage and on the cheapest sets ever.
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New to me also, though I've heard plenty about it!
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The Captain's never seen this. For me, the mother is the scariest part! And when I was a kid the beginning always confused and later frightened me, because I was at first too young to know what was happening, and later horrified that it would one day happen to me!
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Oh and I also have the re-make of Last House on the Left.