Long time, no C. :)
Just something I wanted to share: Clare Kramer who played Glory in Buffy's season 5 is playing the female lead in an indie production currently presented at the San Jose Film Festival. "Yawn, so who's in San Jose anyway," you might ask. Wwwwelllll, you (virtually), if you want to. Cinequest, the online forum of the festival, is exploring the use of p2p-technology combined with Digital Rights Management to get more publicity for their independent filmmakers.
Cinequest has the trailer of Guy in Row Five. And if you sign up (no fee involved) you can first see the trailer and later, once the festival is over, will be able to download the entire film free of charge, at least for a certain period of time. You do need Windows Media Player 9, Kontiki (a pretty fast p2p-client linked to at Cinequest), Internet Explorer 6 or up. They also offer a bizzare but very interesting archive of shorts and features called Cinequest Collection.
Viewing pleasures
Watching Lost, Veronica Mars, Battlestar Galactica. Oh, the darkness! The mystery! I'm deeply in love.
Also enjoy Enterprise's fourth and final season, though with a tear in my eye. And no, it's not big enough a tear to make me go watch the earlier seasons. I've heard too much about their lack of quality to even consider getting the DVDs. Got the Farscape Season One DVD instead. Amazing what details suddenly strike you when you go back to re-watch old eps knowing how the arcs evolved later.
Stargate Atlantis is not quite what I had hoped for, mostly because Dr. Weir whose character I was looking forward to seeing develop did no such thing but was rendered superfluous by storylines to which her character had nothing but cues to contribute. It did renew my interest in Stargate though. Not in a dig deep and analyze kind of way but just to follow how they handle the Ancients in the mother show. Needless to say, the fact that
Ben Browder and Claudia Black from Farscape will join Stargate as a regular (Ben) and as a four or five ep guest appearance (Claudia), not to mention RDA rumored to appear in s9ep1 and ep3 is a motivation to catch up on current storylines too.
Watched Hex, the British supernatural 5-ep-mini series about Cassie and her "dyke in shining armour". Demographics were good, cult following was there and so little wonder Sky One announced they would add another season. Shooting for these additional 13 episodes is said to commence in spring. I do hope they'll go through with it.
On a personal note :)
3D's ultra busy and seems to have developed a taste for having me flipflop between imminent desaster und criminally big luck. I do read my flist regularly but there's always loads to catch up so I don't comment. Yep, Lurky re-incarnated. That's me. Miss diving into the fray though.
Tadaaa :)