How do you handle fanfic recs?

Aug 31, 2003 15:14

A while back, friends asked me to recommend some good fanfic stories to them. I ended up with four pages of recs and an additional 9 pages of commentary, detailing why I chose these particular writers and stories. Then, I deleted the entire commentary because I felt, the commentary would manipulate their perception. Now, the list looks so...random.
This is the first time, I'm not rec'ing published material (which I usually handle in form of a personal review). Introducing people to fanfic, however, seems to involve so much more: pairings, ratings, WIP, slash, pwp, ooc, oc etc. An introduction should allow the newbie to explore... Do I encourage that by giving as little hints as possible? Or by pointing out what to look for? Or should I write a kind of guided tour? What's your experience?

Which leads to another question: I'm searching for Chocolatey Goodness by Mad Poetess. Could some kind soul point me in the right direction?
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