Aug 07, 2006 23:48
Ok I was wrong and I apologize for completely belittling livejournal's usage base. There was a time when every little shit of my life was livejournal worthy. I guess eventually less and less became LJ worthy in my mind until nothing was. One thing I noticed though is the remaining Livejournalers mostly consist of people I have lost touch with. So the capoeria kid I met randomly on the bus, the fiery red headed zelda freak, all you old band/theatre kids, the chick I traded spider shirts with once, <--- that chicks skinny boyfriend (jk haha), the big sis of big kent, and those who i didn't forget but I'm not sure if they LJ anymore....hit me up. If not to get in touch again at least to tell me how lifes been treatin ya. I've missed out on a lot of LJ posts.