Vid Review Form
Title: Pretty Piece of Flesh
Music: "Pretty Piece of Flesh" by One Inch Punch
Vidder: Spacecadet
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Web Link: vid Link: Seasons 1-7 including Fallen...
Overall impression:
This is a gritty, intense vid that reflects a lot of the feel of the later seasons of SG-1. While I have some technical issues with it, detailed below, I found it enjoyable to watch and an interesting change from the Jack-Daniel-Luv vids so prevalent in the fandom (which I like, too, but you can only eat so much sugar...)
Titles: The title was at the end, which was a good choice as it didn't interfere with the story which needed to be told right from the first beat of the music. However, I would have liked for the title to linger a little longer as I didn't have a chance to even note the name of the song before it was gone.
Music choice: I like the choice of the song, I love it when vidders use gritty, techno song choices for SG-1 because it feels like they match up very well. That being said, I had a difficult time understanding almost all of the lyrics of the song and had to go look them up. About the only part I got was the chorus of "pretty piece of flesh". I don't know if this is the way the song itself is, or if it's a problem with the generating of the vid. If possible, I'd recommend that the audio track be edited, bringing down the bass line and upping the vocals, as well as clearing the fuzziness. If it's not recorded in the highest quality stereo available, I'd also do that. Because the lyrics are powerful and really make this vid intense, and they should be heard.
Narration, Tone and Movement: The movement in the vid was very much in keeping with the beat of the music and in general the narration of the story was good. The repeated clips shots - there were times when they worked really well - and times when they didn't. Where they worked - when Jack is punching Daniel and the first chorus of "pretty piece of flesh", although if you could have chosen for the close-up a clip with Daniel not talking (I know, nearly impossible), it might have been more effective. Or even a series of different close-up shots cross-fading to Fallen-Daniel. Because by the time we got to the last chorus, I wasn't paying attention to that sequence anymore, and it's a shame because that's really some powerful stuff there. I liked how you threw in a nearly-naked-Jack for the part where it changes to "you are a pretty piece of flesh" - that was a nice touch.
Cuts, Transitions, Effects & Colouring/Coloring: Very good cuts and transitions. The section after the first chorus was especially well done - nice cutting, nice action shots, good synching with the beats. In fact, I can't think of a place where the cutting wasn't excellent, which can't have been easy with the uneven tempo of this song. Thumbs up all the way. As for the effects - well, less would have been more, in my opinion (but then, I got bit by a bad review of effects I did in a vid, so that might color my opinion). I absolutely loved the part near the start with Jack breaking the window where you did the reverse and the effect - that was brilliant. The part with the dogs - that I didn't like because it just looked like you got a bad-quality clip there. I'm ambivalent about the scene from CotG where the effect strobes in and out - I liked it the first time I saw it, before I'd seen the rest of the vid. After that, I wasn't sure. I think if you'd just used it there and not in the scenes close after that, I'd have liked it more - it didn't add anything to those other scenes, really, not like it did in that farewell-scene in CotG.
Specific vid & music notes:
0:12 - the start of the Jack-car bit - very nice. Timing, visual, action, all are really good.
0:40 - the repetitive weak-weak-weak with the repetitive punching then fading in the CotG sequence on "slaves" - nice
1:27 - I love the action sequence from this part through to 2:03 - nicely framed sections of Jaffa being zapped at the start and end of it, with well-timed clips and cuts that keep your blood pumping in between.
Final notes:
If I could change 2 things in this vid, I think it would be nearly perfect. One is the vocal track being hard to hear. Two is the overuse of the blurred/cartooned images. In any case, it was a good vid, got my blood pumping.