Mod post: Update on the state of the community

May 13, 2009 23:14

Thank you to those who filled out the poll; it is obvious that most people lurk and only a few people are interested in participating in this community in the future. Out of 407 watchers (we bled 10 people since the poll was posted) only 27 people answered the poll, 2 of which were either in error, or were in an attempt to see the results quickly (me). Out of the remaining 25, 8 want the community to cease activity and act as an archive, leaving just 17 people who are interested in participating in future activity. These numbers are very low; however, I would like to test run the review challenge to see if it can work on a small scale, and to see if members enjoy it enough to continue.

Review Challenge Test-Run:
Volunteering vids: December 1st to December 20th
Volunteering review services & vid claiming: December 21st to December 31st
Posting date assignments: January 3rd
Posting period: January 16th to January 31st

In the mean time there is a related challenge community that will be running its first round in July at vid_commentary. Sign-ups are on-going, and the premise is that contributors write or record a commentary for a vid of their choice (not their own), and explain why and how a vid works -- what is its story or argument, its parallels, its metaphors, its colour symbolism and movement? Anything that they feel made the vid say and do what it did is what we are looking for. This is a celebration of vids as if you were asked to create a dvd commentary for a favourite show or movie.

Further information about this challenge, as well as written and recorded examples can be found on LJ and Dreamwidth at the following URLs:

Livejournal Vid Commentary community Information Post
Dreamwidth Vid Commentary community Information Post


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