May 12, 2010 10:28
Heroes of Enroth - Session #17
Lord Elimundas of Wendar listened to his five advisors and their impressions of the group they just met and who he allowed to enter his realm. Qumandas had risen, Virrakai was not far behind. Even if they did not survive the journey to the ancient deeps of the woods, they would prove if the Vile Mist had intentions here again.
"There are things which do not sleep, nor should we. The time is coming and if they should succeed we will know our course."
Things to note from the session:
Alain's character, the Elven Seeker Remus has "joined" the party. There is still some uncertainty around him, and the party has not officially admitted him amongst their ranks (he still does not have a ring... poor guy).
The rings are working out well. I was worried they might be a bit too good, but they seem fine. No-one has yet used a Second Wind so I don't know if the healing power is OTT or not yet, and only 5 are worn so the extra damage power hasn't been available either.
I was hoping for more talky-talky with the elven lords advisors, but it wasn't quite necessary. Sure I could have pulled the "but if we let you go there you could make it worse" card, but considering they have had whatever is there sealed away for nigh 1000 years now... *shrugs* I'm not even sure if what I have placed there is what I want either... seems kinda harsh, and I had to level it down a bit, but come on! It's classic! I've got two weeks to make up my mind though, so we'll see. If not, I'm a bad bad man. :P
session report,