I believe it would be pertinent to try to sum up all of life. Too bad that can't happen...

Jun 21, 2004 17:07

Yeah, that's what I was thinking... the one thing we all need right now is a grand summation. One true answer to the question of existence. I can try really really hard to do it, but I will always come up short. There is only one way to really know what life is, and that is to die. But I'm not willing to die yet, so that's out of the question. Don't get me wrong, death will be awesome, but I'm only seventeen; I'd like to live to at least seventy-five or so. But I digress.

It seems that life is made up of three things (this is probably over-simplification, but hell, I'll run with it if you will): compassion, fear, and void. Let me explain... no, there is too much -- let me sum up. Sorry, that's a quote from "The Princess Bride". Compassion is a controlling core emotion. It needn't always be what Webster defines as compassion, however. For instance, hate is a form of compassion. Work with me people, I'm running on a limited lexicon, okay? Fear is pretty much the definition of fear, but it also includes all reflex and instinctive acts. I usually differentiate between the two by asking myself, "Am I going TO something, or am I going AWAY from something?" When you are motivated to go closer to something, that is always compassion, unless it is instinctive or forced. When you are motivated to move further from something, that is always fear. "Something" needn't be an actual object; the act of applying for a job is "something".

The scenario of a dark room... I'll look at that for an example. Picture a room. There is absolutely no light in it, so there is no way you could ever see anything in it. Well, no light except for a warm, pleasant light in the corner of the room. You are afraid of the dark. You like the light. You move towards the light. Fear or compassion? Both. My estimation is about 60% fear. But you may have other ideas, and I am open to them. But DON'T CHANGE THE SCENARIO! That defeats the purpose.

Void. Void is simply what it is. Nothingness. This happens when compassion and fear get worked out way too much. There are a couple ways this can happen. If you go quickly back-and-forth between extreems of the two, this can cause a void. If you stay at one end of the spectrum from 90-100%, this can also cause void. Void is the absence of everything that makes up your conscious and subconsious selves. Void is not permanent. It comes mostly in small bouts which last for around a second or so. It's sort of a void-spasm. It's that feeling that isn't a feeling. So I can't really describe it. But next time it happens, see if you can feel that sort of void taking shape.

But most of that is simply whimsical fantasy intended to describe, to the best of my current ability, why the universe is the way it is. But I can't. So I don't know why I keep trying.

See ya!
Oh, but I'm gonna try to write a short poem here.

Nevermind, I can't write happy poems, and right now, I'm feeling pretty good.

Peace dawgz!
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