Jun 20, 2007 22:55
OMG I just got back from my last Jeet Kune Do class IT WAS AWESOME.
I've known all along there was a JKD place somewhere in Oak Park, and I'd actually been deliberately avoiding it, because I knew perfectly well I couldn't afford it. Shelling out for this last month of classes was my going-away present to myself before I move.
It's been about six years since I could practice martial arts regularly, and I've missed it SO MUCH. JKD's very different from karate, both in terms of the culture (you call the instructor, say, "Mr. Calderone" rather than "Sensei Tony" or "Sifu" or even "Coach"...and on the other hand, the grappling instructor just goes by Mike) and techniques (Shotokan is a very hard style, all straight lines, and it's very weird to be bouncing around throwing hook punches like a boxer). But it's been very gratifying just to realize how instinctive a lot of karate habits have become, stuff that in some cases I never noticed I still did automatically until I started trying not to do them - turn over your fist when you punch, bring your chin down to your chest, bring your hands up when you kick and your foot back after, mirror the instructor. Everyone was friendly and sad about it being my last class, too, and made me promise to keep in touch.
Oh, and the other thing I will really miss is watching the children's class before mine, because I had forgotten how awesomely spaztastic little kids are when they do martial arts. And the instructors call them "junior warriors." You can't beat that. "Okay, line up, Junior Warriors! Sensei says do a spinning backfist! ...Just one spin, buddy, you can stop now!"
I have got to find another dojo ASAP once I move. I need to be doing this.
One more day! I'm so excited.