it's a think piece, about a mid-level band struggling with their success in the harsh face of stardo

Apr 05, 2006 01:34

i watched Almost Famous with rebecca after rehersal tonight, god i love that movie. it made me really want to go on a road trip (more so then i already did)

the play is almost done, our first performance is friday!! i'm excited. i don't have a big part, but it does carry alot of gravity, so it's been a welcome challenge to me of making it work, making it belivable. the set looks fucking amazing, the lighting, and the sound, and all the set pieces. it's very good. i love seeing it all come together that last week, when the parts that me and my fellow actors have been working on can be set up against the technical aspects of the play. i really think of theatre as a group effort, that's why i've strived to learn more about other aspects of it. i allways try to treat the techincal staff with the utmost respect. it's pisses me off to be in shows to see ASMs get treated like shit from actors. the efforst of ASMs and SMs and lighting techs and all manner of none acting staff is crucial to the success of a production. how can you look good onstage when there aren't any lights? mind you, our casts have always been really good about how they treat none acting crewmembers.

i finished a The Saga of the Volsongs at rehersal tonight! it was kind of ackward to read, but i did enjoy it. it gave me some cool ideas for writing some quests in amtgard. i'm going to read Gilmamesh next. i was going to take a world mythology class last semester, but i ended up not. i still have the books for the class though, so i'm trying to give my brain a little work out. i've been out from doing school for so long i'm loosing my intelligence (it feels that way at least.) the figure of Odin fasinates me, he was one of my favorite characters in American Gods. his mythology is very neat, i feel like i "get" him more than the other Aesir (that's the Norse gods for all you "laypersons" out there... ;) ) i want to learn more about him... maybe i'll resign up for that class in the fall.

my mother is doing REALY well. she lost 21 pounds this past week (which seems drastic, but it's what she's soposed to be doing) she's now on pureed foods too! (that was alot of double letters... ee oo oo) she told me she snuck some chicken last night (before she was aloud to) and i flipped shit. i felt like such a parent, "you knew it was wrong when you did it, didn't you? but you did it anyways, your making bad decisions, what do you think your going to be doing 3 months from now? how about a year from now, how are you going to stick to your diet when you can't even do it now?!" it's weird seeing the roles reverse, it's kind of... unsettling.

well, that's all for now folks, stay tune next time, same bat channel, same bat time...

mother, theatre

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