Vincent Valentine's CR at Luceti
♥ = romantic love
✟✟✟✟✟ = unbreakable and definite friendship
✟✟✟✟ = ...possibly friendship; or the closest thing Vincent has to it; those he can trust without doubt
✟✟✟ = definite allies, strong respect
✟✟ = slight respect, possible allies
✟ = like, vague alliance
☢ = neutrality OR uncertainty, someone to tolerate
☠ = annoyance
☠☠ = distrust and dislike
☠☠☠ = strong dislike
☠☠☠☠ = loathing; enemies; he's very likely to shoot you
☠☠☠☠☠ = pure and unforgivable HATE; you are Hojo.
Aerith Gainsborough
The flower girl returned from the dead here in Luceti. Vincent holds a lot of respect for her, because of her abilities, and because of the unfortunate past. Overall, she's someone he can tolerate, even though she often has more positive energy than he can fully understand.
Zack Fair
They haven't talked much but Vincent knows of his importance to Cloud and Aerith.
A half-esper, someone also capable of transforming. Since she witnessed Vincent's ability, she's one of the few save canonmates who knows much about it. She's come to be someone Vincent knows he can trust and talk with because of that similarity. Of course, his AU self had to spoil things a little by going and flirting at her as well. Awkward.
After speaking a few times, Vincent has found that Jay has a lot of similar attitudes to his own. He also seems just as unlikely to speak of his own past as Vincent, and he can respect that.
They've only spoken a few times, but he seems to Vincent like a reasonable type of person, someone to perhaps fight beside if it came to that.
When Galian was out rampaging out of control in the forest, he ran across Moro. This led to a confrontation which the wolf won, chasing him from her territory.
He met an older AU version of her during an experiment, and actually had a positive response from her. He feels very apologetic toward her all the same, since he'd never behave that way under normal circumstances.
Vincent met his gender-swapped version during the AU event and even flirted with her. They also went gardening together at the time. AWKWARD only begins to describe it.
Vincent met her during the AU event. He earned a dunking in the lake from her, and after the fact Vincent had to admit to himself it was rightly deserved.
Vincent spoke with her a few times, but they really met more properly during the AU event when his other self flirted with her. She has an insane boyfriend.
Vincent met him way back in Lucetiland when a mirror revealed Vincent's monstery nature... they ended up talking about the past a great deal at the time, and talked again more in the AU event.
Gone Home
Lucrecia Crescent
The eternal love interest for whom Vincent quite literally lost everything. Unfortunately for Vincent, despite his attempts to form a deeper relationship with her... she was sent home. Damn the Malnosso.
Yuffie Kisaragi
Like an annoying younger sister. Despite the obvious annoyance, he still counts her as an ally.
Cloud Strife
The fearless leader!? Actually, Vincent finds it easy to understand where Cloud is coming from on some level. Particularly when it comes to wrestling with ideas of guilt and forgiveness.
Cid Highwind
Despite the bad habits, Vincent knows Cid can be trusted without a doubt. He even beat up Chaos during a draft when the monster went out of control, so Vincent knows he can count on him when it comes to it.
Tifa Lockhart
Tifa has a trustworthy personality, she's someone who Vincent knows can be counted on as an ally. She also has a personality that's easier to get along with than, say, Yuffie.
Vincent would sooner shoot him than ever trust him. Since he's one of Sephiroth's Remnants, he'll always be a dangerous foe to be cautious of.
Vincent wouldn't mind putting a few bullets in him, just like either of his silver-haired 'brothers'. He always keeps wary and prepared to deal with him as a threat.
Someone who Vincent finds impossible to reconcile with, considering all that he'd done to their world. Yet he's Lucrecia's son, so on some level he still holds guilt about what happened to him. Despite that, Vincent regards him as a dangerous threat.
Vincent met him as a female in the AU experiment. They had a long involved conversation wherein he attempted to turn on his 'charm' toward 'her'. There was much awkward later on when he met the real Ted, as he tried getting rid of all traces of the experiment. After talking, though, Vincent found Ted to be a tolerable person overall.
Edward Chris von Muir
Vincent met an AU female version of him during an experiment... and naturally had to turn on the flirtation toward 'her'. He even helped her pick out a dress. Cue much awkward later on.
Orginal CR code from
facetious; edited by
shalnark and found
Last update: 2.23.11
Please comment to be added! I may be slow to update but I'll get around to it eventually.