US Economy Creates 69,000 Jobs in May. Press Declares Sky is Falling. GOP Blames Obama. .

Jun 01, 2012 18:18

Soft Jobs Report & Mass Media Yells Fire!

You know, I just have to comment how so often on the right the right tries to defend the likes of Fox News or Drudge by saying that the "liberal media" offers up the same slanted reporting favoring "their side," and even doing more of it (biased reporting)... but with "liberal media" like this (see image below - front page of the Huffington Post today), who on the right needs Fox??

Huffington Post Front Page June 1, 2012

Seriously, HuffPost? Like, we are all going to hell and stuff the economy is that bad? Seriously???

In any event, the world could very well be sliding into a "new" recession this year - it appears to me to be, in any case. But I sure wouldn't be blaming President Obama for it (sorry Foxy Friends).

The following countries have engaged in recovery choking austerity: UK, Greece, Spain, Italy, Portugal, France (basically all of Europe, really). The following countries have engaged in reversing prior Keynesian stimulus measures: US, China, Japan.

I mean, c'mon, what did everyone really expect?

We all suffered a financial implosion greater than the one that triggered the Great Depression of the 1930s, then followed it up a year or two later with rounds of austerity, some countries exacting austerity measures much deeper than others, and people expect what? A booming economy?? An unemployment rate under 5%, such as Romney now seems to be suggesting would be the case if he was in office these past three years? Seriously????

global recession, austrian economics, election year recessions, piigs, depressions, austerity measures, global financial trainwreck of 2007-?, keynesianism, europe, lehman shokku

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