7 Reasons $5 Gallon Gas May Be On The Way

Jan 14, 2011 00:48

Jeff Reeves, editor InvestorPlace.com, cites seven compelling reasons why $5 a gallon gas may indeed be on the way in the not too distant future. If he's right, the impact on the economy may be yet another oil price shock.

$5 Gas Prices Coming to a Pump Near You

7 reasons gasoline is on the rise

Crude oil prices are rising steadily, up about +22% since a may “low” of around $77 a barrel, and gasoline prices have jumped in lockstep. As a result, energy stock picks seem to be on everyone’s radar right now. There are a lot of reasons behind an increase in crude oil prices per barrel as well as gas costs at the pump, however one thing appears certain - the $2 gas we saw at the beginning of 2009 is a distant memory, and the $3 gas of today is here to stay.

As much as it will pain commuters to hear it, it’s very likely the days of $4 gasoline prices and even $5 gas lie ahead. A look at expert forecasts and recent news about crude oil prices indicate the recent run-up in prices is not a short-lived phenomenon.

Here are seven reasons to expect expensive gas for the rest of 2011:


gasoline, oil, inflation

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