Looking for a fic

Feb 28, 2023 13:13

Hi, I am looking a fic I read a while….a long while back. I can only remember the storyline vaguely and tbh I can’t even remember which fandom this belongs to….. but I can say for sure this M/M (the main couple) and that there are supernatural elements to it, like Werewolves/Shifters and that it takes place in like old western time or something similar to 1700s to 1800s ish because there are horse carriages and small town inns and everything. I am not sure if there are ABO elements to it, but from what I can remember, it gives me a feeling of there being a Dom/sub vibe to the whole story.
The story goes like... There are two siblings, one of them is the MC. They go around places, seemingly just having fun and spending their rich father’s money. But actually, they help people. They help enslaved people (usually shifters) to escape and that’s what they are trying to do in this particular town too. The MC is flirting and making sweet with all the big, important people in the town so he can gather information and his sister (I am pretty sure its a sister, but my recollection of the gender of the sibling is not too good) is doing the same, charming everything that moves, making everyone think that these two sweet supposedly submissive siblings (supposedly because I am not sure of the ABO or Dom/sub nature to this story) pose no threat to the town‘s big wigs or the shady business that they do. 
The siblings convince everyone that they collect rare things, like Shifters and that they are in town for exactly that with a large box of jewels and money and only a single Shifter bodyguard/slave (who I think doesn’t talk very much or is speech disabled). The Shifter slave is not actually their slave but he travels with them to comfort the other Shifters that the siblings liberate and as a sign for the enslaved Shifters that they can trust the two humans.
One night our MC is snooping around and finds a pack of Shifters and their Alpha (who is of course our ML) and they are all in a cage with bars made of silver because Shifters are weak to silver and it keeps them from shifting to their beast forms.
I can’t remember much of what happens after….but MC tries to help the pack of Shifters he found. I think he tries to buy them from their Master (kind of the bad guys in this story). There is a carriage ride and finally the siblings reveal to the pack that they are freeing them and that they can do whatever they want from here on. The pack don’t know what to think of all this and are mistrustful still.  At the end, the Alpha (ML) decides he wants to stay with the MC and help his cause and they have their happily every after.
Honestly, as I am writing this, I get the feeling that I didn’t even read this fic and it’s just in my imagination, I came up with this whole ass story. But if this is a fanfic and some kind helpful soul is willing to help me find it, or if someone has read it and will link it for me here, I am eternally grateful to you. 
It should mostly be only limited to few fandoms…..Stony, Sterek or Merthur, because these three fandoms are the ones I follow more than others.
Thanks for reading till here, and if you find it or have read it or have a copy of it and are willing to link it for me, once again I express my gratitude. It really was such an interesting story, that I cannot believe I didn’t bookmark it or download a copy of it or something. Or maybe I did bookmark it and it’s just been deleted by the author. As I said, it has been a few years since I read it and there is a chance of it having gotten deleted, in that case, I might have to give up hope of ever reading it again. 
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