Oct 16, 2010 18:36
I've seen any number of stories where an experienced submissive partner encourages the other partner in an established relationship to try a dominant role. Could anyone recommend stories where it's the other way around? That is, the submissive partner starts out not knowing much about BDSM relationships. Maybe he or she isn't really into it, but doesn't mind going along once in a while for the sake of the other. Bonus points if the dominant is into hardcore kink. Healthy relationships preferred, please.
tl;dr While asking a loved one to hurt you may sound strange, asking a loved one if you can hurt them sounds much worse, and I want to see how the relationship fits itself around that.
Any fandom (though I'm more familiar with TV-based ones), any pairing is welcome!
PS. I seem to remember there was an LJ community about pan-fandom kink requests. Anyone have a link?