Since I seem to be on a quest for hopeless causes (and also because I've been watching Criminal Minds and I'm highly annoyed that Garcia is being paired off with a dork, because larger women apparently don't deserve to get with hot guys like, say, Morgan), I'm looking for unusual pairings fic. Broken!canon pairings, het in slash fandoms or slash in het fandoms, and general non-OTPs. All I care about is that the stories end happily (bittersweet doesn't count) and are completed.
To give you an idea of what I like, check out TrudiRose's brilliant
Picture This (Belle/Gaston and OMG it *works*! Easily my favorite BatB fic) and Katharine T's
Everingham (which made Fanny/Henry my OTP for Mansfield Park).
And, for those who would prefer actual pairing requests to work with, here are a few off the top of my head:
-Criminal Minds: Garcia/Morgan (come on, it has to exist!)
-Mansfield Park: Fanny/Henry
-Jane Austen: any broken canon pairings, but especially those that reform the bad guy (Willoughby/Marianne (ooo, or Willoughby/Elinor) anyone? And after seeing Lost in Austen, I'd love to see a fic with a reformed Wickham pairing up with Elizabeth)
-Due South: Turnbull/Dewey (I've only found two, but hopefully there are more)