Hello, dear folks around here *waves*, I hope very much, you can help me out. I'm looking for good, long, juicy, engaging stories where women love women. And for your absolute favorites among them.
No-no's include character-bashing, heavy BDSM, non-con and the like; I especially don't want to read rape-recovery stories, unless of course they're so fabulous, you think any femslash-newby has to read them or else *g*.
Otherwise, bring them on.
The fandoms I already know from the slash-side of town and that leap to mind with their femslashy potential would be mainly SGA, CSI, X-Men, Star Wars and Trek, and HP. Oh, and the Joss-verses. Anything in particular, you would recommend? Is there a 122 chapter long two-OFC's-on-Corellia-story, any self-respecting femslasher knows and worships? Or Uhura/whoever? Mmmmm, Uhura... Teyla? Kaylee? (Now, how did I associate this *g*?) Or Hooch? Hooch needs to have lots and lots of orgasms, too.
And also, you see, for example due South I would never in a million years have discovered, if it weren't for the fabulous slash written in this fandom. So if there are any fandoms, that recommend themselves for femslashers, please tell me! And rec me the classics, while you're at it, will you? You know, the Kirk/Spocks of femslash? *nodnod*
This now? Is me pretending to be patient. *makes patient face*
Did I tag this right?