As you may notice,
the_rec_room has a new look.
I've switched over to the S2 format style so that requests can be tagged for easier reference. According to the LJ FAQ, once I've created a tag, any community member can add a tag to any community post. For more information about tags, you can check out the LJ FAQ entries about them,
All the tags I've set for The Rec Room are displayed in the sidebar column to the left of the community's various page views. Mostly, they're fandom (show) names plus a few subgenre designations. I've decided not to tag by character, pairing, or writer as the list of possible tags would quickly become unmanageable.
Rather than add individual anime titles to the tags list, I've just created a tag for “anime”. Three factors influenced this decision: 1/the sheer number of different anime titles; 2/my own ignorance of the vast majority of anime titles; 3/there’s already a community out there specifically designed for anime requests.
And speaking of the anime request community, if you’re familiar with the name of that community, I’d be grateful if you left it for me here in a comment. The same for any other fandom/genre-specific request/fic search communities. I’d really like to list them here ... somewhere.
Please feel free to help out the community (and this lazy mod) by setting the appropriate tag(s) to posts if you feel so inclined.
And if you think of any tags (fandoms) that I've overlooked (and I'm sure there are *tons* of 'em), please clue me in by leaving a comment to this post and I'll get them added to the tags list.