Poor Pup.

Feb 19, 2009 09:03

My poor doggy doesn't have balls anymore. I wanted to breed him and make little Louises someday, and now that will never happen, but I guess it needed to be done. Lou is only a year old and in his vr. short lifetime he has had like, 3 or 4 UTI's, all very expensive to treat/dignose. About two weekends ago when we were visiting home I didn't bother to bring any distilled water down with us, so when he started yelping when he peed and having a hard time with his penis in general, I figured that was the cause. So when we got home I set up an apt. and Wes took him to the vet, I was working so I couldn't go. He said that they gave him a urinalisis, poked and proded him and even stuck a rod up his penis to check for stones and they still couldn't figure out what was wrong with him. The doc said what he and every vet that Lou has ever had: dogs with their balls tend to be alot more prone to urinary problems. He also said that an X-ray might find somthing wrong down there, and that getting him fixed at the same time would save a lot of money since he wouldn't have to be put to sleep twice. So we decided to go for it, I wanted Lou puppies someday but him going through agonizing pain is not worth it. So I took him in last Thursday, and they told me I could come pick him up Friday morning. I was super nervous all night b/c you know, anstesia is never 100% safe, and he's such a small dog and all. Well I go in Friday and they tell me that they couldn't find anything in the TWO X-rays they gave him, and also that they wanted to keep him for another 3 days, b/c he's peeing blood and the Doc wants to monitor him. So that really helped my worries a whole bunch, as you could immagine. So all weekend we just sortof moped around the house and talked about how empty it felt w/out a little ball of joy boucing around and asking for love and pets. Come Monday we went to pick Lou up and they told me that the bleeding had stopped that day, and that as long as I gave him the provided antibiotics he should be fine. I wasn't completely sold but I was completely ready to get my dog back. So after a lovely service fee of $298.00 they brought Louie out and he promply peed all over me and then about another half gallon all over the vet's floor. He seems to be recovering well, I was kindof freaked the first night b/c he was still hurting when he peed, but I think it was just that he was streching the stitches b/c he doesn't cry now, although he is still very tender and drawn out about it. Besides that he seems to be back to normal, playing and never getting enough attention, so that's good. It just kindof sucks that I had to spend all that money, I was originally saving it to get new tires for the Elantra, it needs tires desparately.

In the news with MY doctor, I guess all of my tests turned up negitive and they STILL haven't figured out what's wrong with me. I'm getting super fucking sick of it, my vag is acting like a madman (woman?) and I haven't been able to comfortably do my favorite position in bed for weeks now. It is STRESSING ME OUT, needless to say.

I'm excited about splitting a handle of ras. vodka with Nick this weekend though.
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