May 21, 2005 17:52
well last night was the shit first i went to guerins theb we chilled then we went to see star wars which was fucking amazing best movie ever then we went bowling wit mad ppl me kenny tom doug curry eric corey alfred kim candice cailin coleen jess kristen katie and some of there north salem/brewster frinds it was mad fun then me kenny doug eric and tom we wall went back to toms and chilled played sopme games and shit then teh fun began well after doug and eric went to bed me tom and kenny decided 2 get doug and eric so we wnent downstairs and flipped teh couch over on doug it was so funny lol then we went bakc down 2 check on him then we got eric reall bad we put shaving cream in his hands and tried 2 make him touch his face by tickeliong him it didint work 2 well cause he kinda woke up but wen we went back in he ahd shaving cream all over him lol then we tookj videos of all of that and then we tried 2 giv eric a shaning cream mustcahce but he wokle up tehnw e went 2 bed and me and kenny were woken up by a shaving cream slap in teh face from eric o well payback is a bitch then we had brekfast played k 1q then i went home all around good night well idk wat im odin tonght some1 ht me up for plans peace