Miso, stop licking your toes. It's grossing me out.

Aug 22, 2011 23:49

Ok, ok, so let me tell you a story.

Back in high school I had a crush on this guy. Let's call him flap jack. Well flap jack was kind of a babe. And I had this secret crush on him that I never really told my friends about, because I had a boyfriend or whatever. And I completely forgot about him up until about a month ago when he added me on facebook. Oh geeze I sound like a giddy 15 year old.

Anyway we have been shamelessly flirting on the internetz world of facebook for the past few days and it's been kind of cute. In a way that makes you want to stick your finger down your throat and vomit. But instead of gross vomit, it's like butterfly's and mini pink ponies. Wait... that doesn't make any sense what so ever. Ignore that last sentence. So after talking with him today we decided to hang out tomorrow. And flap jack said he was hyped about hanging out, and how he has always had a crush on me, but that wasn't the only reason why he wanted to hang out. Well if you know anything about me, then you know I don't really have crush's like this. It's a once in a great while kind of thing. But this guy is pretty rad. And I have to say I'm pretty hyped as well to hang out with him. I was feeling a little bummed a few days ago because of fighting with my Ma. But I have to admit this kind of brightened my day. I'm excited to see how it goes. I will have to write about it tomorrow when I get home. So this story is...

To be continued....
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