Sep 27, 2004 20:37
Things just keep on getting better...
I got home tonight and there was a little package waiting for me with "Austereo Pty Ltd" printed on the front. Every day I log onto the B105 website quickly and enter their online competitions. I won a CD a few months ago, and today my package contained two free adult movie tickets. Ok so its to see 'The Princess Diaries' - a movie I probably wouldn't have paid to go see... but it is still cool to win something!
Half the city was shut down today due to a suspicious package found in King George Square! The gay boys at work and I (we seem to have started a little posse - we all sit together in the corner) snickered about what a laugh it would be if they evacuated the Sportsman hotel due to a 'suspicious package'!! That could refer to any one of the patrons having a bad case of goodness knows what! lol. Anyway.. that was some excitement for the day!
Its smiles all round for me today!