Nov 15, 2008 08:09
There's enough talk about Prop 8... Here's my two cents on it.
Prop 8 is stupid, backward-ass, and only comparable to "separate but equal" deal.
There is nothing in the US constitution that says a marriage is limited to a man and a woman. I totally understand that Catholicism and Christianity are against same sex marrigae. However, homosexuals are not under the jurisdiction of religions. Therefore, it is unfair and violating individual rights when the church mobilizes its members to vote yes on prop 8.
Imagine, all the Hindus drafts Prop X, where a "Yes" vote means banning the sales and consumption of beef. Ridiculous, no? Let's go even further and supposed that the Hindus were able to mobilize enough believers to pass Prop X. Now, wouldn't you wonder "why the fuck do these people get to tell me what I can and cannot eat (no pun intended)?"
We can also take this from a different angle. Today, we're limiting marriage to a man and a woman. Who or what else will we be limiting marrige to next? Let's limit marriage to people who are within 10 years in age. Let's limit marrige to people with brown hair. Ridiculous, right? Or how about: let's limit marriage to people of the same race! Now, that doesn't sound like such a far cry from limiting marriage to man and woman, does it?
Getting away from the logical stuff: It really fucking pissed me off that supporters of Prop 8 lied through their fucking teeth in the ads like all the rest of us are fucking retarded (apparently, there were enough retards out there to believe those ads and passed prop 8). They showed images of cute little kids saying, "What about me?" "I learned that a prince can marry a prince in school today!"
Give me a fucking break. When was the last time any of us learned about marriage and family in school? No seriously, fucking answer me. What class in school teaches marriage and family? The only thing that ever gets close to marriage and family is Home Ec, which teaches you how to take chocolate and grass stains out of clothes, how to sew a fucking windsock, and how to make a sloppy ass chocolate cake (and later utilize the skills you learned in same class to remove chocolate stains from clothes).
The only scenario I can imiage in which a teacher says to students it's ok for people of same gender to get married is the following: Little Johnny comes to school, and Little Suzie says, "I have two dads!" Little Johnny then asks teacher, "Why does Suzie have two dads? Why doesn't she have a mom and a dad?" Teacher proceeds to explain.
Going back to the logical stuff: Let's say school actually has a class to teach students that a man can marry a man, and a woman can marry a woman in states where it is legal for people of same gender to marry. What's wrong with that? To say that schools in states where people of same gender can marry cannot teach same sex marrige is equivalent to saying you can't teach the constitution or evolution or science or math. Why is it wrong to teach students the law and the truth?
Here's my point: You don't have to be gay. You don't have to like gay people or be their best buddies. You don't have to accept their life style. But, you have to respect their rights and let them have the very same rights that non-gay people enjoy. In the eyes of the law, they did nothing wrong and should not have their rights taken away or restricted.
Sideshow time: I love my gay people. I'm sorry, but I love them. They have the cleanest neighborhoods. They know how to enjoy life. They have all the best food and entertainment. Cases in point: North Park in San Francisco and Hillcrest of San Diego. Holy fuck. Gay ass neighborhoods like rainbow flag flying at every other house. But goddamn they got some of the most well maintained houses you'd ever seen and the best restaurants in town.
Next time you gonna be in Daygo, let me know. Just don't be surprised when I take you to Hillcrest every day.
news commentary,