Title: Fated For Love
Author: Ru_salki99
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: John/Rodney, John/Evan, Evan/David, Teyla/Ronon, Jack/Daniel (mentions of John/Teyla/Ronon & John/Evan/David)
Beta: Many, many thanks to
rock_mafia for her wonderful beta skills. I'd have been lost without her.
Artist: Huge thank you to
danceswithgary for her wonderful art :D
Author's notes/warnings: As this is a story about vampires & werewolves, there will be some violence & blood play.
Summary:John Sheppard, fledgling of Teyla - the leader of the vempire clan Lantea - has searched his entire life for the one being he may call 'companion' and love more fiercely than anyone else. Unfortunately for him, the man he falls in love with, Rodney McKay, is a priest. That in itself is enough trouble, nevermind what happens when they Genii wolves get involed.
Click for fullsize at artist's journal Part One -
Part Two -
Part Three -
Part Four