Title: Sometimes It Pays To Be Bad
Author: Ru_salki99
Rating: PG
Pairing: None
Disclaimer: Firefly belongs to Mutant Enemy
Author's notes: Written for the 'villain' prompt
Summary: Sometimes, it's not always a bad thing to be the bad boy.
Jayne had always been the bad guy.
He’d always been the one people mistrusted, or blamed when things went wrong. And when things went right or he helped ‘save the day’ he never once got gratitude for it. It’d been like that ever since he were a kid and got into his first fist fight with Bertie Foster who had gone and kissed his sister against her wishes. Of course, now she was married to the fucker it made the entire thing seem a little funny, but it didn’t matter. He was still a good for nothing piece of low life who wasn’t to be trusted.
Or at least he was.
The day he met Malcolm Reynolds was the day that started to change. Sure he was hired because he were the bad guy, the man who liked to shoot first and ask questions later. The same reason he was hired by every other boss he’d had. But Mal and his lot, they didn’t see him that way for very long.
It took a while, but before long, he was a valued member of crew, someone who others relied on, who they trusted with their lives. And in turn, he started to trust them, more than he did his own kin. Before he knew it, four years had passed and he had become part of a family.
So it didn’t always pay to be the bad guy, the villain. But sometimes, sometimes it all worked for the better.