Title: Eyes That Kiss
Author: Ru_salki99
Rating: pg-13
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Disclaimer: Supernatural belongs to CW/WB
Warnings: slight spoilers up to 5x04
Author's notes: MY GOD PEOPLE! What is with all the angst? It's just too much, far too much. So I give you - FLUFF!!!
Summary: Sam and Bobby are just sick and tired of all the wanton looks.
"The soul that can speak with its eyes can also kiss with a gaze."
Sam was tired of it. He knew that physically there was nothing going on between Dean and Castiel, if there had been, Dean would have insisted on single rooms by now. But to be honest, there didn’t really need to be. The amount of eye fucking that went on between the two of them was downright outrageous.
He glanced over at Bobby who was clenching and unclenching his fist around his pen subconsciously, he too, sick and tired of this charade.
He wasn’t sure exactly when it had started, possibly before he had even met Castiel. The two of them had always seemed to be able to communicate with each other with just a look. The first time he actually noticed it though had been when Dean was in the hospital. He’d stood at the door and watched as the two of them just stared at each other, Dean, battered and bruised, Castiel by his side, holding his hand in one of his own, using the other to gently stroke up and down Dean’s arm, and the looks that they were giving each other, well, needless to say he’d felt like he’d been intruding.
Then Castiel ‘dumped’ Dean after the whole Jimmy thing. He had been a little preoccupied with hunger and the fear of what Dean would do now that he knew to notice much of the pain that Castiel’s leaving caused, but it was there and Sam, had he been able to think clearly, would’ve tried to at least make him feel somewhat better about it all.
But he never mentioned it. Never had the chance to really even think about it until they were standing in their Dad’s lock up with Castiel facing them, having just carved Enochian Sigils into his and Dean’s ribs. He had looked at Dean then, and couldn’t help but notice that the pain that had been pouring out of his eyes since Chuck had told them that Castiel had been killed, was completely gone, replaced with an over powering happiness. He had actually thought for a minute that Dean was going to step forward and hug Castiel, but Castiel left before he got the chance.
Then there was the whole ‘husband/wife’ argument in the hospital that had made him and Bobby just a tad uncomfortable. When Castiel had told Dean that he’d lost everything, killed two angels and rebelled against heaven for him, Sam actually thought for a second that there was going to be kissing, that he would have to avert his eyes, but then they just carried on arguing anyway and so he’d just stood at the side and waited for them to finish.
A month away from Dean had been both bad and good, bad because of the whole Lucifer coming to him thing, and his fellow hunters trying to feed him demon blood, but good cause he got to get away from all the unresolved sexual tension flying between his brother and his angel.
However now, now that he was back, he couldn’t help but wonder just what the hell had happened while he’d been away.
They’d obviously made up, worked through whatever anger Castiel was feeling towards him; they kept smiling at each other, sharing jokes and were more than a little touchy feely.
And then there were the looks, the looks that had been there all those months ago only now they were ten times, no, twenty times worse. Every time they looked at each other it was like they were undressing each other, Castiel at least hid it a little, obviously ashamed to be feeling such things, but Dean was completely unabashed about it and practically drooled every time Castiel smiled… which was a new thing too.
“For crying out loud,” Bobby snapped, “Will you two hurry the fuck up and get a room already?”
“What?” Dean and Castiel asked at the same time, while Sam just smiled.
“You two. I swear to all that is sacred, if you don’t screw each other’s brains out soon I’m locking you in my panic room until you do.”
Dean and Castiel were a little taken a back by that, both of them starting in surprise before looking at each other and then looking away again.
“I got no idea what you’re talking about Bobby,” Dean said, as he shifted nervously in his seat.
“Oh come on!” Sam said, unable to just sit on the side lines any more, “You two have been wanting to screw each other ever since you met.”
“I have not!”
“That would be unorthodox,” Castiel joined in, although he was blushing slightly.
“Yeah well, doesn’t mean it’s not true,” Sam pointed out, ignoring Dean, “And I don’t know what the hell happened between you two while I was gone, but I swear, if you don’t have sex with each other right now, you’re gonna explode.”
“Well Dean took me to a bro…”
“It doesn’t matter what happened,” Dean interrupted, not wanting Sam and Bobby to know that he had tried to pay to get Castiel laid, “You two are just imagining things.”
“Really?” Sam asked.
“Yes, really.”
“Then why is your hand on his thigh?”
Dean looked down at his hand, which was indeed on Castiel’s thigh, Castiel’s eyes following his. They stared at it for a couple of seconds before Dean snatched his hand back and they shifted apart, moving to sit on opposite ends of the couch rather than in the middle right next to each other.
Sam and Bobby stared at them, both of them not even trying to hide their smiles, making Dean and Castiel shift nervously.
“I should go,” Castiel eventually said.
“What?” Dean asked, “Why?”
“Because… I’m uncomfortable.”
Sam snorted in amusement, while Bobby chuckled to himself in the opposite corner, but both Dean and Castiel ignored them as they only had eyes for each other… literally.
“You don’t… don’t be ridiculous Cas,” Dean said, “Ignore them, they’re just trying to have some fun at our expense.”
“But it’s true Dean,” Castiel said with a sigh, unable to deny it any longer, “We do have feelings for each other.”
Dean huffed before standing up, grabbing Castiel by the scruff of his coat and dragging him through the kitchen and out back to stand on the porch over looking the scrap yard.
“Did I say something wrong?” Castiel asked.
“No Cas,” Dean said with a shake of his head, “No, you didn’t say or do anything wrong. It’s just…” he drifted off, unable to articulate what he was feeling right now.
Castiel stepped up to him, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder, “You find it difficult to accept such a powerful emotion. You always have and no doubt, you always will.”
Dean sighed and turned to him, “That and you’re kind of a dude.”
Castiel gave him a brilliant smile, “I know that doesn’t bother you as much as you say it does,” he said, “Not to mention that when it comes to love, it generally doesn’t really matter.”
Dean stared at him, his own eyes smiling, pure affection shining out of them before he leaned down and closed the distance between himself and Castiel.
Watching from the kitchen window, Sam couldn’t help but smile to himself. Hopefully now the looks would ease off a bit, but no doubt, they would likely just intensify… yeah, he was definitely getting his own room from now on.