what are you, gay?

Nov 15, 2005 00:47

Really good weekend. Drunken mayhem and carnage on Friday night. A chill party saturday. Sunday I went to see Boysetsfire in Lancaster with the girl who had the party, Caity. There were tons of faggots there to see From Autumn to Ashes, but we left before that gayness. However, during the last song of BSF's set, I got punched really good in the eye. I had to sit for like a half hour before I could drive. I was still basically half blind for the drive home, but we made it. It's swelling up and sorta bruised, and will probably be black by tomorrow. Neat. Come to this show:

Lansdale VFW
W.Second St & Cannon Ave.

6pm, $6

AT THE WAKE (first show in a long time, drummer is my boss)
BARRICADE (i smell men)
FOREVER I BURN (last show with buckley i think?)
NINE ORDERS OF THE ANGELS (NEPA nugs holdin' it down)
CDC (who will play in the band this time? come see!)
HOW IT ENDS (minus a van-crashing college student, plus a stripclub-loving negro skinhead)
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