Jul 12, 2005 20:12
Damn where to start...summer's going good. I've been with my friends almost every single day. But my mom's starting to give me crap cuz I've been going out a lot and coming home late. She prolly thinks I get drunk and have sex all the time (which i don't) cuz I think she overheard a conversation on the phone. But after it she didn't tell me anything so I'm taking she wasn't listening the whole time, or that she just doesn't know what "get laid" means lol.. Then to top it off, I got home like at 1 last night and someone decides to prank call or something. So then my mom comes to my room and is all pissed and right then the phone rings again and they hang up then it rings again and my mom gets it and tells them stuff. I called the number back this afternoon but no one answered then I got the answering machine and it sounded familiar then I remembered Fel showed me Obdulia's answering machine. But she says she wasn't with her but I think she's lying oh well.
A quick recap...today, I didn't do anything so that my mom would cool off a bit. She called from work to say we were going grocery shopping so I was all excited then she gets here and my stupid annoying ass little brother doesn't want to go so I'm forced to stay. And when I don't go with them, they don't buy shit. She'll buy cereal and hot dogs. and sometimes she doesn't even buy bread for the damn hot dogs. anyway, thanks to him, I get to starve for another 3 weeks. I was talking to Fel then she answered her other line then like 10 minutes later she's like "omg! they're recruiting me for the army, i'm scared!" It was so funny, it totally made my day. I could just see her in an army suit with a gun all scared running away trying to hide and stuff. And she said they set up an appointment with her. she wants to be a fashion designer so do they want her to design their army suits and stuff or what? lol it was too funny
Yesterday, I went to Mario's. We played some DDR then started composing a song that could might possibly be played at the Spring concert. We met up with Richard at Harwell to play tennis. Came home like at 530, and got ready to go to the movies. Saw Dark Water with Tori, Richard, and Jen then went to Chili's with them and Amanda. After that, me and Jen went to Amanda's. We talked, laughed at priest's accent :knocks on wood:, saw part of Requiem for a Dream (awesome movie!), went for a walk and then came home.
Sunday, woke up late, helped my mom out with the yard.
Saturday, went to Cynthia's practice, Amy invited me to a 15era that SHE wasn't even invited to I think? lol Left practice early, got ready, went to Jenny's. Took off the the 15era, danced to mexican music, even then there was drama, went back to Jenny's, hung out, came home around 1
Friday, went swimming at Nancy's around 4 or 5 which her parents think I'm stupid for swimming at that time. That's cuz I thought it was kinda late to swim at that time. maybe that's why I peel like stringed cheese for 3 weeks.
Thursday, went swimming at Lamar's. It was funny watching her dog swim. Oh and I enjoyed the 'free show' lol
Wednesday...crap..I think that's when I played tennis with Nancy, Amy, and Ivry. Then we went to get raspas, we were broke so we searched my car for coins. We found a few dimes and nickels and shit load of pennies. But then Amy's sis gave us a fortune (like a dollar) and we got to get small raspas lol not extra small.. No one wanted to go home except stupid Ivry jk, she had to, so we decided to go to a park. Stopped by Yani's but didn't come out cuz she was gonna take a shower. oh well..at least she took a shower lol..jk.. sooo :sigh: we went to Jon's and Simon's, picked them up and went to a park. It was really fun on the swings and even more on the merry-go-round. I felt 8 again
And I have no clue of any days before that...
I'm listening to Troy...the song in the end credits. It's so awesome!!! I can't stop listening to it. It should've been our show cuz this one kinda sucks and is way too repetitive. I can already see it and crap. yeah I imagine things too much, or I'm a total band freak hah.. well not total, I've only seen my trumpet at practice this summer.. Well I'll end it here, no ones prolly reading by now but thanks if you are haha