Ene Ruins My Lazy Streak

Feb 02, 2007 12:29

Post to your journal with 10 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself. Those who get tagged need to blog your own journal with those 10 weird things/habits/little known facts. Then chose 6 people to be tagged and list their LJ names. No tag backs!


1. I make noise. Like, constantly. Sound effects, voices, singing, whatever. I have serious trouble being quiet. Unless people are talking. I'm not a jerk.

2. I have cried at the end of a video game. Shut up.

3. I named my Ford Explorer "Liz". I'm still not sure why.

4. I am afraid of clowns. Permanently and unnaturally happy is just... *shudder*

5. I did not receive my first driver's license until 8/26/2004.

6. I used to eat everything on my plate one thing at a time. Like, all the fries and then the burger. And on some occasions I still do.

7. I have a very bad mental association with A&W Root Beer.

8. I am one of the world's worst at accepting compliments. I am very much a doubter.

9. When I was a little kid, I wanted to own my own toy store.

10. Although I would call myself a man of science, there are a startling number of things I believe are possible, even though there are no rational explanations for them.

Taggings: George, Ashli, Lilly, Kar, Brix, and Fan'
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