the one in which he returns...

Nov 15, 2008 22:03

Well, it's been a while I guess. Four months without a breath or word typed. Like I said in the last entry my soul has been closed for a while to but a few, and now I'm ready to open it all up again... well, not all of it... we all need some privacy once in a while.

So, do I give you all the details? The gossip? or do I just keep my mouth shut? Important information only I'm guessing. Where did you leave my tale? oh yes, I'd split with Andrew... truth is that is was inevitable, I knew for ages it would end. The day we last spoke, I'd woke up that morning in bed with my boss, it wasn't the first time either. I knew then where my heart lay, with Alan... so think wot you want, sordid affair with my boss or actual feelings at first sight. I know wot I feel is the truth and that's why I'm still with Alan so many months after, and why it never hurt or I never cried when Andrew left the film-script that is my life.

So Alan... want to know a bit bout him? It's love... proper love, not the flash in the pan 'love' said out of necessity. This is the love I've only felt once before... regular readers know all about that so I won't go off on one. I'm happy. Happy Dom is a good Dom.

So here we go people, the start of another journey. Things are changing, life is moving on and I'm going with the flow. On Monday I'll hand over my deposit on a flat in London. I'm moving in with Alan - still think it was little more than a sordid affair? - and thus will open one part of my life whilst setting in motion the closing of another. Dom is leaving Guildford once and for all, and you know what? I won't fucking miss it one bit.

Fasten your seatbelts. Dom is back... for now.
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